
New To Shampoo Bars?

Givenchy Maldonado


The average person uses 12 personal care products per day, researchers estimated that we place around 500 individual chemicals on our skin each day through personal care.

A less is more approach to hair care at Paloma Essentials Skincare, our chemical free shampoo bar is a nourishing concentration of organic botanicals. Resulting in shiny silky soft healthy hair effortlessly. Our plastic-free shampoo bars are a sustainable hair care choice.

Our shampoo bars are uniquely made up of premium botanicals to nourish and gently cleanse without stripping the hair of its protective oils. The Invigorating Shampoo + Body Bar delivers a rich cocktail of essential vitamins and antioxidants enhancing the beauty and health of your hair. 💚 


 How To Use A Natural Shampoo Bar Video Tutorial:


Shampoo Bar FAQ


Can I use this bar?

Our bars are formulated for both men and women whose hair is normal to dry, or color treated. They are gentle and effective for those with an extra sensitive scalp.  


How do I use the shampoo bar to wash my hair?

Wet hair swipe bar across scalp or lather in hands, massage the lather into the scalp only then rinse.

Tip: Ensure to rinse very thoroughly; it is easy to apply too much lather to your hair because our Shampoo + Body Bars are different. Our bars are a solid concentrated formula whereas conventional shampoo and conditioner is made up of 70-80% water.


Does the shampoo bar replace conditioner?

Yes, all of our bars are formulated with nourishing oils and botanicals to condition your hair. 


Does the quality of my water matter? 

The quality of the water we put on our skin is just as important as the quality of water we choose to drink. The health impacting chemicals and containments found in tap water are absorbed into our skin. Tap water can cause skin conditions and can leave you feeling dry, itchy, and dull.


How is the Shampoo + Body Bar different from regular shampoo? 

Conventional shampoos and conditioners coat your hair with synthetic chemicals to help with the manageability and hair's appearance. Our Shampoo + Body Bars do not coat your hair with synthetic chemicals to make your hair appear healthy. Instead our Shampoo + Body Bars are packed with the finest botanicals, helping to naturally improve the health and quality of your hair.


Can I use the shampoo bar if I have tap water?

If you’re using tap water, you may need to apply additional effort when lathering and rinsing your hair.

Tip: Follow up with the apple cider vinegar hair rinse and/or rinse your hair with distilled water. A shower head filter can also be a practical way to improve the quality of your water.


How do i store my bar? 

For maximum uses store your bar out of direct water in a slotted soap saver dish.


Will my hair experience a transition period?  

Some may notice that their hair goes through transition. This transition phase is different for everyone typically lasting no longer than a few weeks, it is normal for your hair to feel waxy or oily during this time. To speed up the transition period you can complete an Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse after washing your hair.


Why am I experiencing a transition period?

For years you've likely been using shampoo and other hair care products that contain synthetic chemical ingredients. Your hair will need time to detox and adjust to all-natural shampoo. You can experience healthy lustrous silky soft hair as you continue on the journey to improving the health of your hair with our Shampoo + Body Bars.


How many times a week do I need to wash my hair?

This is your choice, many people experience their hair feeling cleaner longer thus extending wash days.  


Do I need to do an Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse? 

It is optional, we recommend the Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse after each wash. 

Recipe: Dilute two tablespoons of raw apple cider vinegar into one cup of water. Pour over hair, rinse clean. Repeat if necessary. 


See how our chemical free shampoo bar outwits every product in your shower.

See How Our Chemical Free Shampoo Bar Does It All


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